鹽田梓 鹽光保育中心開放參觀安排The Salt & Light Preservation Centre open Visit arrangement

鹽田梓 鹽光保育中心開放參觀安排
逢星期二至星期日全面開放 (逢星期一休息)
鹽光保育中心因應遊人需要和疫情限制,不作組團活動。如團體有特殊需要,仍可預約街渡服務;而往返西貢鹽田梓的來回街渡及中心的保育設施, 逢星期二至星期日每週六天,仍然全面開放提供服務,歡迎訪客光臨參觀。大家可在鹽光保育中心西貢碼頭接待處,購買所需來回船票(已包參觀文物室及鹽場入場券)。西貢碼頭接待處位置,在洪記海鮮酒家對出,櫃位標誌是鹽光保育中心。
西貢街渡碼頭開出 : (星期二至日)
10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00
鹽田梓碼頭開出 : (星期二至日)
12:20 14:20 16:00 17:00
備註 :
1) 請在船班 20 分鐘前購票排隊等候上船
於回程船班 20 分鐘前排隊等候上船
2) 船位先到先得: 不設留位服務
3) 船期如因應需求而加班, 將會適時通告
1) 小教堂及文物室: (星期二至日)
10:00-12:00 13:00-16:00
2) 鹽場: (星期二至日)
10:30-11:00 11:30-12:00 13:30-14:00
14:30-15:00 15:30-16:00

The Salt & Light Preservation Centre open Visit arrangement
Open every Tuesday to Sunday, and public holidays, closed on Monday
The Salt & Light Preservation Centre will not organize group tour due to prevent Convid19 transmission, the Center still provides both Ferry services and the preserved heritage facilities open from Tuesday to Sunday.
All visitors are welcome. Kaito Ferry tickets are available at our Reception Counter next to Hung Kee Seafood Restaurant in Sai Kung. The Counter with a standing poster titled The Salt & Light Preservation Centre is under a white tent by the side of the Kaito Pier.
Kaito Ferry Schedule
Departure from Sai Kung : (Tue-Sun)
10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00
Departure from YimTinTsai : (Tue-Sun)
12:20 14:20 16:00 17:00
1) Please allow20 minutes to purchase your ticket and line up for boarding before departure time
2) First come first serve: no seat reserve service
3) Extra ferry service may be provided: depends on
situation (notice will be announced accordingly)
Opening Hour (Closed on Mondays)
1) The Chapel & the Heritage Centre:(Tue-Sun)
10:00-12:00 13:00-16:00
2) Saltpan:(Tue-Sun)
10:30-11:00 11:30-1200 13:30-14:00
14:30-15:00 15:30-1600
